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In this episode, we will continue to talk about 
the process variables of heat shrinkage cracking.
Three: pouring temperature
Single die inlet and high casting temperature will 
increase the temperature gradient and produce high stress, 
leading to heat shrinkage crack.
Four: pouring rate
High pouring rate can reduce the heat shrinkage crack tendency.
Five: modeling and clay core materials:
The shape and core material are important 
variables affecting the resistance to solid shrinkage. 
This shrinkage barrier will increase the thermal shrinkage crack tendency. 
Sand dies and cores with good properties 
can be used to prevent thermal shrinkage and cracking.
Six: Casting design:
This is the main variable. 
Designs that increase hot spots and hinder solid shrinkage 
both promote thermal shrinkage and crack formation.
Seven: pouring riser design:
The cast riser design that can reduce the temperature gradient 
can improve the heat shrinkage crack resistance.
Eight: cold iron and subsidies:
Proper use of cold iron and subsidies can greatly reduce 
the heat shrinkage crack tendency.
In the next installment, 
we will continue to talk about the factors that 
affect the process of heat shrinkage.


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