Welcome, We are proudly ISO 9001:2008 certified.


Hello everyone, I am the youngest girl in the factory.
Today, I will bring you to the factory to see our 
special covering agent for spheroidization from Nanjing Dyfeng.
Due to its pure composition, 
reasonable and moderate specific gravity, 
and strict particle size range, 
our covering agent can greatly stabilize 
the spheroidization process when used, 
and can significantly improve the recovery rate of magnesium.
In addition, the covering agent is also conducive to 
the floating of gas and inclusions in the casting, 
which achieves the purpose of purifying molten steel, 
thereby obtaining sound steel parts and reducing the scrap rate.
The particle size of the covering agent we produce 
is usually 2-6mm and 4-8mm. 
Of course, it can also be processed and 
supplied according to the particle size range required by users.
 Welcome to consult and place an order~
Follow me, the youngest girl in the factory, 
see you next time, bye~


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