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Q: What effect does the creeping agent have on creeping treatment?
A: The creeping agent has an important influence 
on the success or failure of creeping treatment.
Adding an appropriate amount of related elements to 
molten iron can obtain vermicular graphite cast iron. 
For example, rare earth elements, especially cerium, 
can be used to obtain vermicular graphite, 
but the amount of rare earth elements 
that need to be added is relatively high, 
especially for sulfur-containing the higher amount of 
molten iron needs to add a lot of rare earth elements 
to obtain vermicular graphite.
In addition, if only magnesium is used to treat low-sulfur molten iron, 
magnesium must be controlled within a very narrow range. 
When the residual magnesium content is more than 0.02%, 
it will become ductile iron, and when 
the residual magnesium content is less than 0.015%, 
it will become flake graphite Cast iron, 
so its creep range is only 0.005%. 
When the amount of sulfur, 
the amount of molten iron and 
the temperature of molten iron cannot be accurately grasped, 
it is very difficult to precisely control the magnesium content in this way.
This forces people to study the use of a variety of 
elements to expand the range of cast iron creeping. 
There are two main types of vermicularizing agents used internationally: 
one is based on magnesium and 
interfering elements such as titanium, etc. 
and is matched with an appropriate amount of cerium to obtain
 a vermicularizing agent with a wide range of treatment. 
The other is rare earth mixed metal. 
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